Working with businesses we love is why we roll out of bed every morning. Well, that, and a fresh cup of hot coffee. 

our work

Remick Architecture

Scope of work: brand photography, email marketing, social media marketing 

Chay Wike 

Scope of Work: Brand Photography, Social Media Management, Content Creation, Email Marketing, Community Engagement 

Carson Love

Scope of work: social media management, email marketing, content creation 

Lindsay Sullivan Skincare

Scope of work: Social Media Management, Content Creation, Email Marketing


New followers for our clients in the past 18 months


Growth in client social media reach after just one month with C&C

Our Business in Numbers


amazing brands trust us with their social media accounts 


Short-form videos (Reels and TikToks) produced so far

Love Notes from Our Clients

Love Notes from Our Clients

“Delegating my social media and email marketing efforts to Savannah and her team is hands down one of the best decisions I've made for my business."

"As a business owner wearing many hats, it feels so good to hand over the reins of my social media confidently. I always say that Savannah really is the best of both words- she has the tools, expertise and level of support you'd expect from a large firm, but the one-on-one trust and feeling of having your very own in-house social media manager. She strikes the perfect balance and totally customizes her efforts to fit the clients needs! Although I feel like I can be hands off with my social media, I still feel like it's my voice speaking through to my target market. A true gift for a small business owner!”



 Having Creative + Caffeinated manage my social media has dramatically increased my book sales."

"As a new author, I knew social media was important for my brand but felt totally overwhelmed at the thought of trying to compete with all the other beautiful accounts out there. After just one meeting, Savannah created an authentic and unique brand identity for me and had a polished grid up on Instagram within days! Savannah consistently writes quality copy that reflects my brand's voice and messaging and she took the time to deeply understand my brand and the type of audience I'm going after."

Natasha drisdelle, the wise wife blueprint

Natasha drisdelle,
the wise wife blueprint

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