5 unique Flodesk features for small businesses

Are you a small business owner struggling to find an email marketing platform that does it all? Enter Flodesk: Flodesk has many unique features that set it apart, but don’t just take our word for it. According to the creators, they say:” Flodesk is the world’s most intuitive email marketing platform designed to help small businesses grow, nurture, and monetize their list—beautifully.” And we could not agree more. The world of email marketing can often feel overwhelming, but don’t let that get in your way. Growing an email list as a small business is essential to reaching potential clients & customers, but this isn’t a blog post about the importance of email marketing; it’s about helping you choose the email marketing platform that’s best for you.

This brief overview gives you just a glimpse of the benefits that Flodesk can bring to your business (more on this later): 

One monthly price, unlimited subscribers: With unlimited subscribers, you never have to worry about having to switch email platforms as your business grows. 

Intuitive email builder: No need to learn any coding, Flodesk has an incredibly  user-friendly email builder that creates beautiful designs from scratch, or incorporates your own personal branding to keep the aesthetics of your business consistent throughout. 

Templates designed to convert: Flodesk’s templates are customizable, ensuring that your brand voice and personality can shine through. 

At Creative & Caffeinated, we have been using Flodesk since our business was born, 4 years ago. As a small business ourselves, we wanted to promote an email marketing platform to our clients that we trusted; a platform that we knew was the best of the best for small businesses. While researching various email marketing platforms, we quickly discovered that Flodesk offered a wide range of offerings, yet still felt incredibly user-friendly and easy, a balance that felt like a no-brainer to our team.

So what sets Flodesk apart from other email marketing options for small businesses? Here are 5 unique features that we believe make  Flodesk the best email marketing platform for small businesses: 

Fun Forms to Grow Your Email List

Flodesk offers three form types depending on your business goals: link in bio forms, video forms, and spinner forms. While each form serves a different purpose, the end goal is the same: grow your email list faster

  1. The benefits of a link in-bio form: A link in-bio form is for you if you want to create a landing page that allows up to six links. You have the ability to have your most commonly used shareable links and your email list opt-in form all in one place. Additionally, you can personalize the form to ensure it’s you by inputting your personal branding. Link in bio forms boost website traffic from your social media platforms  by up to 15% 
  2. The benefits of video forms: By using videos in your forms, you create an instant connection with your audience by sharing your brand voice through video. In turn, you can properly promote products, share call-to-actions. By hearing and seeing you, this will keep your audience engaged much longer. Videos will increase your conversion rate by up to 80%! 
  3. The benefits of spinner forms: Who doesn’t love to win, right? Spinner forms create a gamified type experience which will set you apart from others in your niche. Spinner forms are shown to convert up to 30% more visitors than a typical standard form.
  4. The benefits of countdown forms: **NEW**: This brand new form is responsible for increasing your form conversion rate by up to 200%! If that doesn’t get you excited, I don’t know what will. By creating a sense of urgency and scarcity, customers are much more likely to act quickly. In turn, this often leads to a higher conversion rate! 

Grade A Analytics To Set Your Small Business Apart

Your days of crossing your fingers hoping the growth is there, but not actually seeing the analytics are over. Know exactly where you stand with the power of knowing your numbers. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to clear growth with a visual display of your numbers across forms, emails, subscribers, workflows, and checkout pages.

  1. The benefits of Flodesk analytics: Get the opportunity to see how your list is growing overtime, which allows  you to make data resulted choices based on how the areas of your business are performing. 
  1. Sell your products seamlessly by using the checkout feature: Flodesk’s checkout feature allows you to make money 24/7 365. Sell both digital and physical products through a customizable checkout page that aligns with your personal branding. No need to use an additional website to capture sales. Flodesk allows you to do it all in one place by making the process simple for not only you- but your customers. 
  2. Integrations help you to work smarter not harder: Having all of your marketing materials in one place is an absolute game-changer for small businesses. Maintain clear brand messaging by keeping your personalized branding consistent across multiple platforms. With integrations, you can connect Flodesk to other platforms such as Zapier and BookFunnel, to create even more functionality.

Sell your products seamlessly by using the Flodesk checkout feature

Flodesk’s checkout feature allows you to make money 24/7 365. Sell both digital and physical products through a customizable checkout page.

  1. The benefits of Flodesk Checkout: No need to use an additional website to capture sales. Flodesk allows you to do it all in one place by making the process simple for not only you- but your customers. 

Integration features help you to work smarter not harder

Having all of your marketing materials in one place is an absolute game-changer for small businesses.

  1. The benefits of integrations:  Maintain clear brand messaging by keeping your personalized branding consistent across multiple platforms. With integrations, you can connect Flodesk to other platforms such as Zapier and BookFunnel, to create even more functionality.

Unbeatable price

Given Flodesk has many features, you wouldn’t expect such an affordable price tag. Huge email list? No problem. Flodesk allows you to add as many subscribers to your list as you need, without a cap. To learn more about the pricing associated with Flodesk, check out this link. 

At Creative and Caffeinated,  we recognize all of the tasks that go into making sure your business runs smoothly. Getting overwhelmed with different systems and processes is a given. With Flodesk, you can create a much more seamless process. Streamline your small business by housing your email marketing needs in one platform that goes above and beyond sending emails. No matter where you’re at in your business journey, integrating email marketing is only going to uplevel your brand. We feel confident that this service will be everything you need (and nothing you don’t).

Start your emailing marketing journey by using our affiliate link to get 50% off your first year. If you have any questions about the features and benefits of Flodesk, don’t hesitate to reach out to us here!

Ready. Set. Grow.